Blogger Templates

Monday 4 April 2011


fuhhh..kowg dh study kerh lom weyhh!!
tkot ohh..dh larh os ta bole na blahh..
oop lagi...
uishh parah nie..
to0 my fren yus,,mira,,sadeq...
im here to0 says sory..n i wish u all luck for exam 2 week more..n hope we all can go for l.i soon oke..


Akhelaken said...

aigoo..cutenye blog + the owner.. huhu.pasang la shoutbox,blogwalking sambil tinggal jejak kat blog rakan2 k :)
keep it up & Good luck in ur exam..

xashalera said... thankz..ahhahah..btw shoutbox n blogwalking to0 perh..ahahah...

Sadeq Exuberant said...

me also want 2 say sory k.. uhhh... i xstdy lg ni sha... cmne ni.. tkotnyeee... :(

xashalera said...

sadeq stat study slow2 we have to0 study smart not study hard..oke..juz will be prepared oke..i now u can do it..